Friday, July 21, 2006

the morning after

Well, Couchette seemed to have liked her bath.

I rode the scoot to a meeting with a client that lives not too far away, just in case, but she fired up this morning third kick, and then when I went to leave the meeting, third kick again. Thrilled was I. So we (couchette and i) went on a ride out King Street a ways, just a little jaunt of 15 minutes or so, to feel the wind and hear the rattle of the engine.

The new tires are working well...I still have to get the front one on, but I think I might wait until the speedo cable arrives and do all that at once. The rear felt different than the old ones, I suppose the profile of the tire is different, so they will, and it took a bit to get used to the feel on the turns. It's probably good that I get used to them separately.


Blogger jamesandheatherboldt said...

Hey scooter boy, Im lovin the site. Your scoot is pretty much the greatest thing on two wheels. Hey if youget a chance check out Heather and My blog.

sorry no scooters



10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

11:21 AM  

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